

Cristiano Filippi Farmar, born in Schio (Vicenza, Italy) the 2nd of april 1971, living in Via Ca’ Bottara 16, Schio (VI), Italy.
He studied Humanities at the University of Padova, specializing in the field of Film Studies. He worked as Director of a public library: “Biblioteca Comunale “Luigi Meneghello” in Malo (VI).
Now he works as Director of a public library: “Biblioteca Civica di Marano Vicentino”, he is in chief of Culture and Events Office di Marano Vicentino (V

1. He organizes “Gallio Festival del Cinema Italiano – Opere Prime” (http://www.galliofilmfestival.it/) (from 2006). The annual Italian Film Festival (July) : GallioFestival del Cinema Italiano – Opere Prime offers italian’s cinephiles the opportunity of viewing the latest in Italian releases by new authors. He works as consultant for film festival; PR Public relations and promotion. He edits the festival catalogue.

2. He is Assessor (Culture and Education) (2009-2014, 2014-2019) in San Vito di Leguzzano (Vicenza), www.comune.sanvitodileguzzano.vi.it http://www.progettosanvito.org/

3. He organizes a new Cultural Project: (2009-2014, 2014-2016IMPRONTA CULTURALE
(Cineforum dei ragazzi – Lo specchio magico : rassegna di educazione all’immagine – Incontri di cinema – Festival “Tre storie in corte”, …).
– 2012 Prize Premio “Città Impresa” Fabbricatore di idee;
– 2012 Prize: Premio Comuni virtuosi “Nuovi stili di vita”
Video link interview

 4. He organizes (with Arci) “Incontri ravvicinati” (1° edition, october-november 2015; 2° edition 2016; 3° edition 2017; 4° edition 2018).
“Incontri ravvicinati” offers italian’s cinephiles the opportunity of viewing the latest in Italian releases by authors (films presented in best Festivals: Le meraviglie, Alice by Rohrwacher; Cloro by Lamberto Sanfelice, etc.).

5. Secretary (2002-2008) of the “Cineforum Alto Vicentino” (www.cineforumschio.it, 1500 associates), affiliated to the National Federation of Cineforum – F.I.C. www.alasca.it. Cineforum Alto Vicentino programs the screenings of the Cinema Pasubio in Schio (VI) and proposes: – one yearly planning of cinema d’essai (September-May); – cinematoraphic screenings of various kind (mountain cinema, cinema for kids, cinema al femminile, african cinema, etc.etc.); – open-air cinema in the summer; – theatrical performances and concerts; www.fondazioneteatrocivico.it; He edits the annual Bullettin (2002-2008) with reviews of the films proposed in the plannings. The choice of the gilm is mainly based on festivals previews. The writing of the reviews is based on festivals’ press releases and press books.

6. Director (2002-2008) of a library specialized, “Biblioteca del Cineforum Alto Vicentino”, Schio (Vicenza) with particular attention, in order of importance, to the cinema, the television and multimedia. He organizes and develops the acquisition, the conservation and the use of the documents, visual and multimedia, and the elaboration and the relative bibliographical information. http://www.cineforumschio.it

7. He organizes (2000-2007) “Orizzonti Vicini”, an italian film festival, (May) http://www.cineforumschio.it The annual Italian Film Festival Orizzonti Vicini offers italian’s cinephiles the opportunity of viewing the latest in Italian releases from the festivals of Berlin, Cannes and Venice. Italian Cinema has distinguished itself since the very beginning for its inventiveness and range of genres from historical, to literary, to triumphs with neo-realism and expanding further in recent years with the so-called Nuovo Cinema Italiano (New Italian Cinema). Not without influence from its European neighbours, Italian cinema by way of its contemporary directors and fresh screen faces, demonstrates an originality and an approach to today’s thematic which is distinctly and entirely Italian.

8. He’s Founder (1999) of the cultural association ATOZ – Una darsena culturale (a cultural dock). AtoZ organizes in Schio (VI) the “Festival of the narration : Azioni Inclementi” (10 editions, 2000-2010, with meetings, book presentations, teather, films, multimedia shows, music concerts) (www.azioninclementi.it, 1200 associates in year 2008) (in the ring COLTURE – Indipendent festivals from the Veneto region). www.azioninclementi.it

9. He produces and directs under the collective name ATOZ, videos that link literature and audiovisual language:

• “La merce invenduta piange – Unsold Goods Cry”, 2002, 11’ dv presenteted at Hungarian Independent Filmmakers’ and Videomakers’ Festival in Kaposvár in 21-22 March 2003 – at CIRCUITO OFF VENICE INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL 2003;

“Città invisibili”, 2003, 20’ dv presenteted at Festival Azioni Inclementi 2003 “Il filo della storia”, Malo (VI) – Villa Clementi

• “Merci”, 2004, 15’ (3’ x 5 elementi) dv presenteted at Festival Azioni Inclementi 2004 “Finte di corpo”, Malo (VI) – Villa Clementi

“ASCANIO CELESTINI, Agosto 2003, FILANDA CORIELLI”, 2003, 8’ dv with Ascanio Celestini, presented at Schio (VI) – Palazzo Fogazzaro 4, 5 e 6 gennaio 2004. 8. He produces and directs videos (Videomaker) :

• “Primizia”, lyrics by Erri De Luca, 2006, 9’ dv presented at “La Strafexpedition 90 anni dopo, ricordare per unire”, Schio (VI) – Palazzo Fogazzaro.

• “Lettere”, (Lettere di Efisio Attori, 1897-1916), 2006, 4’ dv presented at “La Strafexpedition 90 anni dopo, ricordare per unire”, Schio (VI) – Palazzo Fogazzaro. • “Tracce visibili”, 2009, 7’ dv presented at “Tracce visibili” opere in plexiglass, personale di laura Moretto, Schio (VI) – Palazzo Fogazzaro.

10. He was actor in the film “Anguana” 2002, by Gabriele Grotto.

11. He writes (2004-2007) reviews of the films proposed in the plannings by “Cinema Aurora” di Malo (VI). Cinema Aurora organizes two yearly plannings of cinema d’essai.

12. He’s Founder (1996-2011) “Gruppo Cinema” that organizes open-air cinema in the summer, in San Vito di Leguzzano (VI).

13. He’s Founder (2001-2016) “Gruppo Refosco” that organizes “Cinema in còrte”, one yearly planning of open-air cinema in the summer, in S.Vito di Leguzzano (VI). Refosco organizes (2007- 2008) “Miti d’oggi” one yearly planning of cinema d’essai, and “Sconcerti” one yearly planning of music concerts. Refosco (2009) organizes “Risorse umane” one planning of book presentations and music concerts; “Sconcerti 2009-2010-2011-2012-2013-2014” one planning of music concerts; “Cinema in còrte 2009-2010-2011-2012-2013-2014-2015” one planning of open-air cinema in the summer.

14. He’s Founder (2017) “Banda dei cinefili” A new review of cinema meetings    


15. He has been accredited at the following Festivals:

Berlino Fantasy Film 1998
Bergamo Film Meeting, 2001, 2003
Locarno, 2001
Udine Far East Film Festival 2000-2001-2002-2003-2004-2005-2006-2008
Torino Film Festival, 2000-2002-2003
Trieste Alpe Adria, 2003
Kaposvar, Hungarian Independent Filmmakers and Videomakers Festival 2003
Pesaro Film Festival 2003.

Venezia, Mostra internazionale d’arte cinematografica

Cannes, Festival de Cannes

Berlino, Berlinale Festival


Filippi Farmar Cristiano,

Via Ca’ Bottara 16, Schio 36015 (VI) Tel. 0445/671292 – 3476428631.

e-mail : cristiano.filippifarmar@gmail.com


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